Be Brilliant! Tutoring was created by a group of highly talented and deeply experienced educators who know three very important things about virtually every child:

About Us

  • Humans are born brilliant and they naturally find joy in learning.

  • If that brilliance and joy are not showing up fully - or sometimes, sadly, hardly at all - in their school work, there’s an answer.

  • Through the use of highly specialized materials and techniques that ensure learners always know what they’re doing, and why, they all can learn how to tackle every school subject with the same verve and self-assurance you saw when they were babies and toddlers.

Our founders and tutors, with advanced degrees, from Masters to Doctorates in education, have expertise in an instructional approach, called the Subordination of Teaching to Learning, that keeps students in touch with their natural brilliance and love of learning.

We know how to tap their inherent capacity and drive to know more and how to clarify, with them, the way to excel in school, whether they’re already doing well, or struggling to keep up, or anywhere in between.

The Subordination of Teaching to Learning

Dr. Paula Hajar: Subordinating Teaching to Learning

“I don’t teach. I let them learn.”

Caleb Gattegno

Our approach, called the Subordination of Teaching to Learning, was created by Dr. Caleb Gattegno, a brilliant scientist, theorist, educator and mathematician.

By the time of his death, in 1988, he had written more than 120 books and published countless articles. While he wrote on many topics, his primary focus was on improving education in literacy, mathematics, learning languages and the teaching of reading to persons with hearing impairments.

On the way to achieving his purpose, he became fluent in six languages and achieved a working knowledge of dozens more.

His rich legacy includes sets of educational materials, activities and techniques crafted to serve learning, rather than attempt to control it; hence his insistence that teaching be subordinate to learning.

Lighting the light …

Meet the Team

  • Stephanie Poillucci

    Ph.D. Candidate, UAlbany (SUNY)

    Lead Center Operator, Math + ELA Tutor

  • Doris Fleming

    Ph.D. Candidate, UAlbany (SUNY)

    Math + ELA Tutor

  • Dasha Alexander

    Ph.D. Candidate, UAlbany (SUNY)

    Center Operator, Math + ELA Tutor

  • Paula Hajar

    Ed.D., Harvard University

    Math + ELA Tutor

  • Tutor

    Daniel Tamulonis

    MA, Columbia University

    Math + ELA Tutor

  • Darnelle King

    MA (ECE), Grand Canyon University

    Math + ELA Tutor

  • Amanda Santos

    Ed.D., Harvard University

    Math + ELA Tutor

  • Ashley LaConte

    MS in CDIT, UAlbany (SUNY)

    ELA Tutor

  • Theodore (Ted) Swartz

    Ph.D., New York University

    Co-Founder, Co-Manager

  • Sima Gandhi

    BA, University of Toronto

    Co-Founder, Co-Manager